The Ealing school vacancies website was developed by members of the Ealing Learning Partnership’s (ELP) recruitment and retention committee together with Ealing Council.Add a school vacancySchools can upload their own...
It is vital that schools adopt recruitment and selection procedures and other human resources management processes that help to deter, reject or identify people who might abuse children, or are otherwise unsuited to work with them.It is also crucial...
Choose from the followingEquality Act 2010The Equality Act 2010 provides a single, consolidated source of discrimination law, covering all the types of discrimination that are unlawful. The Act should make it easier for school leaders and governors...
New application forms have been developed in line with recent legislation for safer recruitment in schools. There are general guidance notes for schools and governors.From now on, all applicants for either teaching or support staff roles in schools...
HR shared service teamsTo contact any of our HR teams, please follow these steps:Phone Ealing corporate resources on 020 8825 9000First select option 3 - HR shared service centreThen select option 1 - schools HRThen contact the HR team of your...
Appraisal is an ongoing cycle of review, planning, development and evaluation for all staff that link school and individual development needs in order to raise standards.Choose from the followingHeadteacher appraisalGuidance and templates.Teacher...
Guidance and resources on pensions, pay and expenses for all staff, teaching and non-teaching in schools, including revised pay progression arrangements.Choose from the followingHeadteachers' expensesForms and guidance for...
An EGfL user account is required to view these documents. Register todayGuidance to help improve school attendanceAttendance, CME and CMOE guidance This document creates an agreed framework for your school and Ealing’s school attendance,...
Read in conjunction with Ealing’s code of conduct on the provisions for fixed penalty noticesSchools are responsible for recording attendance, following up absence and reporting children missing education and children missing out on education...
This section provides information and resources for headteachers, governors and designated safeguarding leads in schools. The information contained within this page is in line with statutory guidance and will be up-dated when any changes occur....