School responsibilitiesServices to schools - Ealing FMSupport surveyor serviceGuidance to legal duties for maintenance regime.School responsibilitiesSchool governing bodies are responsible for revenue repairs and maintenance. As all revenue...
For guidance on security issues:Stephen DunhamTeam leader health, safety and security and fire preventionTel: 020 8825 7418 Mobile 07940 546 263Email: risk managementEffective risk management of school...
The majority of primary and specials schools buy into the Ealing Schools Catering Consortium (ESCC) for their catered meals under a contract which is managed by Ealing's education contract services.Contact Ealing schools catering and meals...
Mayor of London universal free school meals (UFSM) funding has been extended to 2024-25 Claiming additional funding for Mayor of London universal free school meals (UFSM) where take-up exceeds 90% | Ealing Grid for Learning (gatekeeping...
In the event of a critical incident please inform the Children’s Services as soon as possible. The first two names on the contact list are your initial contacts. However, if you are unable to get a response please continue down the list using...
Getting back to normalThe effects of some incidents can reverberate for years. Professor Yule, in his very useful book, ‘Wise before the Event’, points out that tragedies can bring people together. In some schools the experience is so...
Templates for emergency planning and guidance for critical incidents during a school trip are available in the: Critical incidents manual.Choose from the followingBomb threats and securityChecklist on dealing with bomb threats.Educational and...
By working together, we can find creative solutionsWelcome to the school business hub. The hub will provide information and links to areas that fall under the remit of business functions and include information for all school leaders to support...
Welcome to our school business manager (SBM) outreach service for ELP member schools.On this page you will find useful information if you are seeking a short term or longer term experienced SBM cover arrangement to support your school.SBM cover...
Read about the different roles and what type of support is given by:School bursarial officerSchool business managerSchool resource management advisorWhat is the role of a school bursarial officer?The school bursarial service are a team of...