Please send an email to if you wish to be added onto our mailing list. Let us know which issue(s) you would like to receive.Early yearsHigh schoolPrimarySpecial schools
The Ealing Learning Parnership offers high quality school improvement advice, support and challenge to Ealing maintained schools as well as to academies and others.Our dedicated team of consultants, advisers and associates will design support to...
High schools: Latest newsletter and past issuesSome items in the gatekeeping past issues above may no longer be available as these have expired.If you would need to access these, send us your request and include the title of...
Our website contains a wide range of services information and resources specifically for Ealing schools. It also contains a range of databases and the weekly newsletter to schools.Choose from the followingAbout EGfL user accountsInformation...
The EGfL homepage is made up of the following main areas:At the topThe top menu is made up of the following:Five menus focused on the Ealing Learning Partnership, facilities, finance and data, human resources, and services for children....
The EGfL categories are based on the areas in the services for schools catalogue – service information will be better integrated with other resources from those areas across the site:ELP...
Top menuThe top menu appears on every page. It includes the following:A-Z - popular content pages are listed here alphabetically.Search - bar to find content quickly.Login - log in to view restricted content. Reset your password.EGfL logo...
An example content page is the health and safety page.Content pagesIn the middleThe content of each page sits in the middle. At the bottom of the page you can find links to related content or related services.On the rightOn the right hand side there...
SearchThe search bar is at the top of every page. When inserting a word the search results are prioritised with titles first, then description (sub titles) and then body text.Select the magnifying glass to go the main search page.Filter...