FFT is a non-profit organisation, backed by the Fischer Family trust, which provides data and analyses to all schools and LAs in England and Wales.For over 10 years, FFT has been working successfully with local authorities and schools to analyse...
The Freedom of Information Act requires all maintained schools to publish or adopt a scheme of what public information they hold, where they hold it and how it can be accessed by an interested member of the public. From January 2005 an individual...
The aim of this resources page is to support the schools to build on evidenced based strategies to close the achievement gap and further improve the life chances for all children and young people in Ealing schools.Ealing Learning Partnership does...
Photos and video recordingsThere are no safeguarding regulations prohibiting the taking of photos or video recordings at school.The only legislation that may apply is the Data Protection Act and that The Act notes, at Section 36, that personal data...
Primary Science Quality MarkThe Primary Science Quality Mark is an award scheme to enable primary schools across the UK to evaluate, strengthen and celebrate their science provision. Schools can achieve bronze, silver and gold awards.Health and...
Ealing local authority (LA) recommends that every governing board (GB) should regularly evaluate and reflect on their practice and performance.To assist GBs evaluate their practice and performance, we have developed a number of tools in the Ealing...
Design and technology remains a compulsory national curriculum subject at key stages 1 to 3.National Curriculum programmes of study for design and technology from 2014:KS1 and 2KS3The Design and Technology Organisation (DATA) has an annotated...
The directory will provide guidelines on collaborative working and encourage good practice.Additional benefits include providing rich opportunities for the development of teachers and leaders and bringing staff together to devise new practices...
Young carers are children and young people under 18 who look after someone in their family who has an illness, a disability, a mental health problem or a substance misuse problem, taking on practical and/or emotional caring responsibilities that...
EGfL login required to access contact details and organisation charts.Children's and adults services senior leadershipRob SouthExecutive director children, adults and public healthCarolyn FairDirector of children and familiesJulie LewisDirector...