Reminder for schools of guidance to help manage and improve school attendance and attendance toolkit available on EGfL. Log in to View.
Interactive drama workshopArc Theatre have one date available for their No More Whispers FGM production aimed at high schools on Monday 30 September 2024.Arc’s No More Whispers interactive forum theatre workshops are a...
Celebrating the people that make our schools a great place to be. From teachers, teaching assistants, caretakers, roadcrossing patrols, parents and children.
ESFA will publish allocations for the 2023 to 2024 academic year for early career framework (ECF) mentor backfill and time off timetable grants before the end of the 2024 autumn term.They will make allocation payments for the 2023 to 2024...
Information for new headteachers, including checklists, support structures and arrangements, contacts, services for schools information, quick guides and key dates.
Academies, foundation schools and voluntary aided schools need to complete and return the pro-forma intentions to consult by Monday 11 November 2024 to inform the Local Authority (LA) whether they intend to change the 2026-27 admissions...
Action: Please print flyer and display for families or add to social media.Home-Start Ealing has been supporting families in the borough for more than 25 years.Being a parent, whatever your situation, can be incredibly challenging, especially when...
The Ealing community resilience team is reaching out to schools to request your participation in a borough-wide awareness campaign for 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence from 25 November to 10 December. We would appreciate it if...
We encourage headteachers to nominate and invite enthusiastic teachers to join the programme and become school travel champions. These champions will play a key role in promoting active and sustainable travel in the school community, supporting...