Appraisal is a thorough yet supportive and developmental process designed to ensure that all teachers have the skills and support they need to carry out their role effectively. It helps to ensure that teachers are able to continue to improve their professional practice and to develop as teachers.
From 1 September 2012 regulations came into effect with regard to teacher standards, teacher appraisal and teacher capability.
From September 2024 the Government has confirmed the removal of the obligation to use Perfromance Related Pay (PRP).
The 2024 STPCD guidance will continue to provide at section 3 that "schools must determine – in accordance with their own pay policy – how to take account of the uplift to the national framework in making individual pay progression decisions." Even where schools decide to continue with PRP, this would not preclude pay increases which are made as a result of the implementation of annual uplifts of pay scales set out in the school’s pay policy.
All schools should review their current arrangements annually and make any necessary changes to ensure they meet the regulations. Please note appraisal applies to all teachers (where they are employed for one term or more) unless they are undergoing induction or the subject of capability procedures.
Appraisal should not be confused with capability. Capability only applies to teachers about whose performance there are serious concerns that the appraisal process has been unable to address.
Below are some of the key points related to the teacher appraisal process:
- Performance management is now known as appraisal:
(The Education (School Teachers’ Appraisal) (England) Regulations 2012). - Schools must have an annual appraisal process for teachers
- Governing bodies and local authorities must have a written appraisal policy for their teachers (including headteachers)
- Objectives set must contribute to improving the education of pupils
- Teachers must be given a written appraisal report which sets out, an assessment of their performance, an assessment of their training and development needs and a recommendation on pay progression
- Governing bodies must appoint an external adviser to advise them with appraising the headteacher - in Ealing, schools may use their link officer
- Since September 2012, schools must provide anonymised appraisal information for Ofsted inspections.
Model policies are available as below:
Model staff appraisal and capability policy (2024/25) (NAHT)
Appraisal model policy | National Education Union (NEU)
Model pay policy (2024/25) (NAHT)
Pay model policy | National Education Union (NEU)
The governing body has a duty to ensure the performance of teachers at its school is managed and reviewed in accordance with the school policyand the Regulations. The governing body should also review the policy annually.
The headteacher is responsible for the appraisal of other teachers but may delegate this duty to other appropriate teacher, usually those with management responsibilities. They are also responsible for producing an annual report to governors about the operation of the appraisal policy, the effectiveness of the procedures and the teachers training and development needs.
Classroom observation protocols
Schools will need to ensure that their current protocol meets the requirements of the appraisal regulations and where appropriate any references to Ofsted judgements, pay progression and the teacher standards.
The following are available:
Classroom observation model policy | National Education Union
NASUWT Classroom Observation Protocol
Guidance and templates
- Additional appraisal guidance notes and template (word)
- Roles and responsibilities (word)
- Pre appraisal meeting - self review (word)
- Teacher appraisal statement (updated May 2013) (word)
- Training, support and professional development opportunities (word)
- Teaching standards 2012 - self review (word)
Teacher including headteacher performance related pay/appraisal check list - this can be used by senior leaders including governors to check that appraisal and pay policies/processes are in place and are part of the school’s systems for monitoring the quality of teaching and learning.