Support staff performance management and review

Although there are currently no statutory requirements in place for school support staff, Ealing is committed to equality in the development of all staff. We recommend they also have a performance management process, which complements that of teachers. Therefore, we have developed a support staff performance management scheme, which can be used in its entirety or adapted to suit a schools needs.

The guidance documents below set out a model process for the review of performance management of support staff in schools for both the reviewer and the reviewee. In addition to these documents there is an exemplar document that contains objectives that may be useful for performance management purposes.

Performance management review document - for reviewers (word)
Performance management review document - for reviewees (word)
Exemplars of objectives (word)

It is good practice to review job descriptions annually, and this should be discussed at the performance management review meeting. A job description should be specific and personalised to the post holder. It may be useful to look at the generic job descriptions to assist you with this process. Generic job descriptions for support staff

All staff should have access to and look at Ealing CPD online so that they can consider any future training that they may need and discuss it at the review meeting.

See professional standars for teaching assistants on the following page: TA standards

School business management competency framework (GOV.UK)

National occupational standards (NOS)

NOS provide an important resource for schools and individuals to use to improve their performance. NOS can support individuals in their day-to-day tasks and help establish the link between the aims and objectives of a school, and what is required to achieve these. They can support the design and evaluation of education and training and the design of qualifications. The standards can be used to manage and develop support staff in conjunction with performance management. For further information please see NOS website.

Career development frameworks

Ealing have developed role-specific career development qualifications frameworks for support staff when considering career progression. These maps identify where to find accredited training locally and are intended to support individuals when considering career progression and support both reviewers and reviewees in performance management in terms of CPD and career development. For further information on qualifications please see categories below:

  • Learning support
  • Pupil support
  • Specialist and technical
  • Administrative support staff/ school business managers
  • Site staff
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Last updated: 17 Jan 2025