Accident reporting and investigation procedure
Report a school related accident or incident
Schools should report incidents via Ealing’s online reporting system.
Reminder to select the correct accident reporting tab (pdf) when reporting incidents.
Online accident/incident manager investigation guide (pdf)
Guide to reporting an accident or incident online
How to complete, submit and trouble shoot incidents.
An investigators role (pdf)
Schools may still wish to, or may already be completing, a minor accidents logbook for those accidents that are attributed to the exuberance of children and do not result in significant injury.
Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations (RIDDOR) 2013
HSE guidance on incident reporting in schools (accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences): Guidance for employers
Information sheet giving practical guidance to schools about what they need to report and how to do it.
If a school uses the local authority Alcumus Info Exchange tool to report accidents, then the local authority will report any HSE reportable incidents on behalf of the school.
If you have any questions or queries regarding accident/incident reporting, recording and investigation, please contact:
Raj Chowdhury, Schools health and safety adviser
Phone: 020 8825 7287/ 07568 130 165
* EGfL log in required. To register for a user account, email (for Ealing maintained schools and academies only).