Allegations against staff and volunteers (ASV)

Every local authority has a local authority designated officer (LADO) to whom allegations must be reported and with whom plans should be made about how matters are progressed.

The LADO is a senior member of staff who:

  • Is involved in the management and oversight of individual cases which meet a certain threshold
  • Provides advice and guidance to employers and voluntary organisations
  • Liaises with the police and other agencies
  • Monitors the progress of cases to ensure they are dealt with as quickly as possible, following a consistent, thorough and fair process.

Though allegations of abuse can be made to anyone in an organisation it is the role of the designated safeguarding lead (DSL) to take these forward and to be the link between the organisation and the LADO until the matter is resolved.

Allegations against the DSL should be referred to the headteacher, or if against the headteacher to the chair of governors.

LADO contact details

The LADO for Ealing is Natalie Cernuda.

Ealing LADO support
020 8825 8930

The above email address and telephone number are managed by the child protection administration team. They will forward your referral or consultation request to the LADO and LADO support.

In the absence of both the LADO and LADO support, a duty CPA will respond to your referral/consultation.

Guidance and referral form

LADO referral form (March 2018 - word)

When you are the subject of an allegation - leaflet ( 2018 - pdf)

Responding to an allegation - leaflet (2018 - pdf)

Attending an allegations meeting - leaflet (2018 - pdf)

Guidelines for attending an allegations meeting (2018 - pdf)

Concerns about personal life -leaflet (2018 - pdf)

HR model procedure

Allegations of abuse against teachers and other school staff (pdf) - December 2022 model procedure on dealing with allegations.

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Last updated: 03 Jan 2025