Every year, thousands of pupils in London are getting sick with their asthma, missing school, and needing to go to hospital for emergency treatment.
What if we could work together to help prevent that?
One NWL borough has seen incredible impact and success from their asthma friendly schools:
Total number of days absent due to asthma reduced:
- 2021/21 academic year: 1446
- 2022/23 academic year: 1333
- 2023/24 academic year: 1194
Asthma friendly schools are a partnership between local authorities, health, and education to help tackle poor asthma control before it leads to school absences and hospital admissions.
Asthma training
Asthma champion workshop
Aimed at school welfare and medical staff. 1.5 hours duration and delivered via MS Teams. To book, email wlm-tr.ealingchildrensnursingadmin@nhs.net for welfare staff
Whole school training
Aimed at all school staff. 30 minutes duration and delivered via MS Teams. To book email clcht.ealingschoolnurseteam@nhs.net
New this year
From this school year starting September 2024, all Ealing asthma staff training certificates will be valid for 2 years. Schools will continue to require an annual asthma audit to ensure all AFS standards are in place and to attain AFS certification each school year, but staff training being valid for 2 years.