Prevent in Education Virtual Sessions from the DfE
Over the remainder of 2024 and in early 2025, DfE Regional Prevent Education Coordinators (RPECs) will be delivering training sessions aimed at designated safeguarding leads and school governors to support them in understanding the Prevent duty and their safeguarding responsibilities in protecting young people from radicalisation and extremism.
Here are the training dates and links to register:
Regional Prevent education coordinators - GOV.UK (
Additional DfE virtual training sessions
Sitting outside of the above training offer, some of our RPECs deliver their own sessions that you might be interested in attending.
DfE London RPEC delivers 4 sessions on a regular basis including:
- Prevent induction/refresher
- Introduction to incels
- Online platforms and extremist content session
- Gaming and extremism session.
Here are all available dates: DfE London RPEC Training Links | Linktree