Academies, foundation schools and voluntary aided schools need to complete and return the pro-forma intentions to consult by Monday 11 November 2024 to inform the Local Authority (LA) whether they intend to change the 2026-27 admissions arrangements or not. This includes any proposal to reduce the planned admission number.
Additionally, all admissions authorities must consult on their admission arrangements at least once every 7 years, even if there have been no changes during that period.
Academies, foundation schools and voluntary aided schools who intend to change their admission arrangements or have not consulted within the last 7 years and would like the LA to carry out the consultation on their behalf must provide the proposed admission arrangements for 2026-27 to Joanne Bradley (contact details below) for consultation by Monday 11 November 2024.
Please note that the LA will not be able to run the consultation for any academies, foundation schools or voluntary aided schools that intent to consult and do not provide the completed pro-forma with the proposed admissions arrangements by the Monday 11 November 2024.
Please download the timetable for information on the consultation deadlines and dates by which admissions authorities must determine their arrangements for 2026-27 admissions.