Due to updates in the Working Together to Improve School Attendance guidance schools now need permission from the Local Authority to remove pupils from roll on completion of the extended, unauthorised leave abroad process.
Here is the guidance: Pupils on extended, unauthorised leave abroad - Guide for SEN schools | Ealing Grid for Learning (egfl.org.uk)
Please familiarise yourself with the guidance and make sure that any members of staff that manage attendance are made aware of these changes and have access to the updated letters and documents
The changes in our guidance now mean that SEND schools can now remove pupils from roll, once they have the agreement of the Local Authority, without having to wait for the pupil's EHCP to be ceased.
Schools must now notify us of pupils on extended, unauthorised absence abroad when they send Letter 1 to their parent/s. The notification will be sent on an Attendance Concern form via Gateway.
Your link attendance officer (and the pupil’s Education, Health and Care Plan Coordinator if they have one) should be sent all letters in the process the school send to the parent/s, copying in cme@ealing.gov.uk. When we receive Letter 2 we will confirm by email whether you have our agreement to remove the pupil from roll (delete them from your Admissions Register).
Please be aware that the process cannot be condensed if the school delay in sending Letter 1.
Letters 1 and 2 cannot be combined in order to shorten the process.
Parents must have the opportunity to send the information/evidence requested in Letter 1 before a date of removal from roll is sent to them. If the process has not been completed appropriately, we may not be able to grant permission for the pupil to be removed from roll.
Further information
If you or your team have any queries you are very welcome to get in touch.
Ealing children missing education, School attendance service: cme@ealing.gov.uk