High school 2023/24 attendance benchmarks and analysis reports are now available for schools to access via the 2023/24 reports section on your school page on Ealing Grid for Learning.
Once you log in, the report will be visible under School reports > 2023/24 > Attendance and exclusions.
Find your school page on the schools contact database.
About the report
This report details your school’s attendance, persistent and severe absenteeism in the autumn 2023 and spring 2024 terms. Your attendance report is based on two-term (autumn and spring) attendance data.
The report provides comparative evidence of performance against other local / similar schools for schools to benchmark themselves against, over time analysis, borough and national comparisons, a detailed analysis of the attendance, persistent and severe absentee rates of a wide range of specific pupil groups, breakdowns of absence in your school by year group and reason and a list of persistent absentees (with severe absentees).
We hope you find these reports timely and useful and welcome any comments about how we could improve them in future years.