The race equality in education training programme for 2024-25 has been launched and bookings are now open.
New courses
We have a number of new courses and networks this year including:
- Building equitable parent forums
- Addressing the N-word and dehumanising language in secondary schools
- Do No Harm – Teaching transatlantic enslavement in Key Stage 2 and 3
- Race equality in the curriculum – research, selection and evaluation of resources
- Governors and race equality leads network
All courses and networks can be booked via Ealing CPD Online
Governor and school leader race equality conference
This half day conference is aimed at chairs of governors, race and diversity lead governors, EDI lead governors, headteachers and race and diversity leads in school. The conference will be an opportunity for lead governors and staff to reflect on progress towards meeting the education demands of the Ealing Race Equality Commission and to consider the role of governors in driving this agenda forward within their school.
Support for race and diversity leads
The race and diversity leads network will continue this year and is designed to support those staff who are leading this important agenda in school. We recommend that race and diversity leads attend all sessions throughout the year. If you haven’t done so already, please send the name, role and email address of your race and diversity lead to
Developing the racial literacy of all staff
We will be repeating the Facilitator training for the ‘Challenging disproportionality and developing cultural competence’ again this year. We strongly recommend that all schools train at least two members of senior / middle leaders to be able to facilitate this training with all staff back in school. The training equips school leaders to deliver 6 one-hour INSET sessions with all staff across the academic year, using video training sessions produced by Orlene Badu. The sessions focus on important areas such as challenging our biases, unconscious bias in the classroom, racial identity, the legacy of Empire and protective factors within school.
For further information about any of the above please contact