The updated DfE Working together to improve school attendance guidance includes a change to how schools must code pupils who are receving remote, online provision.
The extract below explains the change:
'Where a pupil is absent from school and receiving remote education, the school needs to record them with the appropriate absence code as they are not physically in school at the time.
The school must not mark them with an attendance code, or as attending an approved educational activity. This applies to all remote or online provision, including where the provision is provided by a DfE accredited online provider.
From 19 August, the keeping of registers will be governed by the School Attendance (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2024, which replace the existing Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006.
These new regulations are described in further detail in the accompanying statutory Working together to improve school attendance guidance also effective from 19 August.
Schools will be required by law to record the appropriate attendance or absence code in line with those regulations for each registered pupil once during each session, including for any pupil whose name remains on the admission register of the school whilst they receive remote education. The proprietor of a school breaching those regulations is a criminal offence.
The DfE's position on this issue has not changed with the introduction of the new regulations.
Providing remote education: guidance for schools (first published in 2022) makes clear that pupils absent from school and receiving remote education still need to be marked as absent in the register.
Using approved educational activity codes B, P and W
However, it is worth noting that the definition of approved educational activity (Codes B, P and W) has been strengthened following extensive public consultation.
From the 19 August, for a school to use code B the pupil must be attending a place, other than a school at which they are registered, for an educational activity. That activity must be supervised by a person considered by the school to have the appropriate skills, training, experience and knowledge to ensure that the activity takes place safely and fulfils the educational purpose for which the pupil’s attendance has been approved. Supervision for the purpose of this code means the pupil is physically supervised by someone who meets the definition set out in the regulations. Remote education does not meet this definition and so a pupil who is not in school and receiving such education is instead to be recorded with the appropriate authorised absence code.
Face to face education whenever it is possible should always be the priority, but the DfE is clear schools may continue to use remote education in line with the remote education guidance and we recognise the value it can add to pupils who would not otherwise be able to access education. Schools and local authorities are expected to provide support to pupils who are facing barriers to attendance and should do so in the pupil’s best interests rather than based on how it is recorded in the attendance register. Where remote education is provided, school can, and should, monitor participation in it and credit pupils for their efforts.'
If you have any queries regarding this, please contact the Attendance team: