We are offering free air quality sensors and workshops to Ealing schools.
We are thrilled to announce that 8 air quality sensors have been installed outside schools across the borough.
Visit our Clean Air Ealing website providing near-time data uploaded from the sensors, so you can monitor air quality levels at your school and around Ealing.
This initiative aims to raise awareness about the importance of air quality and how positive actions can make a difference to quality of life and well-being.
Educational programmes for pupils
To complement the installation of these sensors, we have developed engaging educational programmes for pupils.
These programmes highlight how actions such as walking, cycling, and scooting can help reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality. Additionally, they aim to educate pupils about the impact of air pollution and traffic congestion on health.
Air quality workshops
Primary schools with an air quality sensor are offered air quality workshops to raise awareness of their sensor.
The 2 hour long sessions, aimed at Year 2, will use data from the sensors and consider how different modes of transport affect pollution levels.
All schools are encouraged to get in touch at STA@ealing.gov.uk for more information.
Schools with installed sensors
The following schools already have sensors installed around them:
- Oldfield Primary School
- William Perkin Church of England High School
- Khalsa Primary School
- St Mary’s Church of England Primary Norwood Green
- John Perryn Primary School
- Durdans Park Primary School
- Lady Margaret Primary School
- Greenford High School
- Ada Lovelace Church of England High School
- St Augustine’s Priory
- Ealing Fields High School
- Little Ealing Primary School
- Mount Carmel Catholic Primary School
- Alec Reed Academy
- Havelock Primary School
Get involved!
If your school is interested in having an air quality sensor or an air quality workshop, we would love to hear from you!
Please get in touch with us at Pollution-Technical@ealing.gov.uk.