Level descriptors

The level descriptor project commenced in November 2021 to provide a framework and evidence base to address the issues raised regarding the current system.

​The work forms part of an objective of the new strategy for additional needs, SEND and inclusion 2023-2027 in providing high quality local suitable provision to meet the majority of local need.​

The current level descriptors detailed below are used for commissioning of placements in maintained specialist and ARP / SRP provisions within Ealing.

  • Phase 1 (special schools) and 2 (ARPs) have now been completed and
  • mainstream descriptor level work will be the 3rd phase and commence soon.

What we aim to achieve by introducing level descriptors

  • A shared understanding of the range of needs across our schools, and the similarities and differences of cohorts of pupils across schools.​
  • Clarify the types of support needed by pupils with different types of needs.​
  • A transparent and fair resource allocation system.
  • Ensure that schools have sufficient resources to meet children and young people’s needs.
  • A clear admissions guidance into specialist provision.
  • Inform future planning of provision for children and young people moving through schools and into adulthood.
  • Significantly reduce the current need for schools to apply for additional funding.
  • Implement processes to support the continuing implementation of the new system.
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Last updated: 03 Jan 2025