Cognition and learning
- Are likely to have a specific diagnosis of Autism. Some will not have a diagnosis as yet, but may be on a diagnosis pathway and / or have a social communication need or a Speech, Language and Communication Need (SLCN) that presents in a similar way and requires a similar approach to the curriculum, teaching and learning.
- Their needs will have a significant impact on their learning and their ability to access mainstream education without intensive specialist support.
- Will be learning up to 3 years behind age-related expectations and broadly able to access a personalised mainstream curriculum with their peers.
- Will show some potential for being able to make good progress with access to the right specialist support that addresses their needs.
Communication and Interaction
- May have difficulties communicating with others for more complex reasons (for example, problem solving, asking for help)
- May have difficulties with their social understanding, for example identifying the thoughts, feelings and intentions of others.
- May have accompanying language difficulties including understanding non-literal language.
- May need part-time access to a low arousal environment to support with sensory and emotional regulation.
Social, emotional and mental health
- May have difficulties with social communication and understanding such as not initiating or avoiding contact with others, showing frequent high levels of anxiety / distressed behaviours.
- May have very specific small areas of interest.
- May have a strong preference to routine which causes significant dysregulation when routine is changed or events are unexpected.
- May have difficulty identifying and regulating their emotions and/or associated anxiety.
- Will have the cognitive ability to learn how to self-regulate.
Sensory, physical and medical
- May have sensory needs, including sensory processing needs.
- May have difficulties with fine and gross motor skills and coordination.
Curriculum, teaching and learning
- Will require access to significant levels of specialist support and specific interventions in smaller groups for parts of the week.
- Will need a personalised / adapted curriculum.
- Will need access to specialist teaching and learning facilities / modified environments with fewer distraction for parts of the week.
- Will require access to significant levels of specialist support and specific interventions in smaller groups for parts of the week.
- Will require part-time access to a low arousal environment to support with sensory and emotional regulation.
- Will need a personalised / adapted approach to the curriculum that takes account of their specific needs.
Behaviour support
- May need support to learn how to regulate their emotions and manage any anxiety or mental health needs.
- Implementation of the Ealing Therapeutic Thinking Schools approach or a similar evidence-based approach.
- Special education needs assessment service: 8825 6910
Last updated: 24 Jun 2024