This service is available for Academies and Maintained schools


This package will help your school to achieve the Eco schools award, become more sustainable, environmentally friendly and save money on utility bills.

Academic year 2024/25

This package will:

  • Attaining the Eco Schools Award enhances the school's reputation for environmental stewardship.
  • Empowerment of students through involvement in eco-friendly projects.
  • Implementation of sustainable practices leads to cost savings for the school.
  • Strengthened ties with the local community through collaborative environmental initiatives.
  • Promotion of a healthier school environment through cleaner air, reduced noise, and improved green spaces.
  • Establishment of a culture of sustainability that extends beyond the school setting.
  • Encouragement of lifelong eco-friendly habits in students and their families.
Office hours:
  • Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm
  • Twilight sessions and out of office hours work by negotiation.
Service directors:

Julie Lewis

More detailed information:

This package comprises of 14 hours of eco schools support in your school. Activities can include:

  • Support to help your school achieve the Eco school award and green flag
  • Help setting up an Eco Warrior committee.
  • Connect your school with the councils’ free tree planting and rewilding schemes.
  • Conducting audits to assess the school's environmental impact and identify areas for improvement.
  • Help implementing programmes on recycling and composting.
  • Assemblies on topics including reducing single-use plastics, climate change, recycling, Earth Day, Being water wise.
  • Pupil energy monitor training. These monitors will help reduce cost of energy bills through energy-saving measures, such as switching to LED lighting and promoting energy-efficient appliances.
  • Hosting guest speakers and experts on environmental topics.
  • Organising eco-themed events, such as Earth Day celebrations.
  • By offering a comprehensive Eco Schools Award Package, schools can not only benefit from the immediate advantages but also contribute to creating a generation of environmentally conscious citizens.

This package also includes:

  • Free access to central trainings for all staff on Eco-Schools
  • Free access to the Green school network
  • Two tickets to the health improvement annual conference
  • Two drop-in days to help you achieve your Healthy Schools London awards

Health improvement team, children and families, Ealing Learning Partnership

Further details:

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Last updated: 13 Mar 2024