This service is available for Academies, Maintained schools and Other schools and settings


Management of the statutory assessment, education health and social care (EHC) plan process, placement of children and young people in an appropriate education setting and ongoing review of placements.

Financial year 2024/25
  • Expert advice and guidance on the SEN code of practice 2014, related statutory framework and practical implementation related to the SEN statutory assessment, EHC plan (EHCP), placement and review process
  • Advice can be offered about the implementation of the new SEN code of practice, following the implementation of the 2014 Children and Families Act
  • Specific consultation can be offered for individual cases.
  • Management of place planning for children and young people with an EHCP
Additional / buy back services 
  • Training and advice on the statutory assessment, EHC plan and annual review process
  • Training or advice can be tailored for your specific requirements
  • Advice about the SEND reforms and the revised procedures relating to the EHC plan process.
Office hours:

Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Planned improvements:
  • Improving co-production and building on developing a family and child/young person centred approach, working with education settings, parent/carers and professionals.
  • Ensuring that young people's voice are central to discussions and decisions that impact on their lives in line with preparation for adulthood
  • Continue to improve timeliness and quality of EHCPs
  • Continue to ensure that children and young people receive the right support at the right time by improving systems and communication with stakeholders
  • Improving our digital offer
  • Improving annual review processes and timeliness
More detailed information:
  • Senior education health and care coordinator (high school transfer, secondary school lead), Dipti Jagatia, 020 8825 7181
  • Senior education health and care coordinator (children looked after, primary school lead), Rasheed Lawal, 020 8825 5909
  • Senior education health and care coordinator (post 16+ lead), Abigail Richards, 020 8825 7576
  • Senior education health and care coordinator (place planning, assessments lead), Lydia Benson, 020 8825 5534
  • Senior education health and care coordinator (permanently excluded children, children receiving elective home education or education other than at school, children missing education lead), Kajal Hans,, 020 8825 5245
  • Joint head of EHCP planning (annual reviews, travel assessments, post 16), Jeff Elgar, 020 8825 9371
  • Joint Head of EHCP planning (assessments, Pre 16, tribunals), Lucy Granger, 020 8825 5454
  • Acting head of SEND, Fabiola Peacock,, 020 8825 5313

Special education needs assessment service (SENAS), Children Services.

Further details:

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Last updated: 25 Mar 2024