This service is available for Academies, Maintained schools and Other schools and settings
An HR consultancy service meets the people management needs of schools, including the provision of HR advice, briefings and training around:
- Child protection
- Employee relations
- Restructuring
- Resourcing
- Pay and conditions
- Management/Leadership development
- Developing of HR policy and guidance
- Administer and mangage long-term sickness, maternity and legal insurance schemes
- Administer the apprenticeship levy
Log in to view service offer:
Financial year 2024/25
- Highly qualified team possessing expert knowledge about national and local matters which impact on people management in schools
- Each school will be supported by named HR staff
- Service will be tailored where possible to meet the individual needs of schools.
Office hours:
- Monday to Friday, 8.45am to 5pm
- Will also work evenings eg for governing body events by arrangement.
Planned improvements:
- Ongoing review of HR content on EGFL and update and revise to ensure content is fit for purpose
- A review of the model of HR delivery to ensure the best service is provided for schools
- Ongoing attendance at ELP committees on Recruitment & Retention and Safeguarding to provide an HR input on behalf of the schools we support.
- To agree with the HR Steering Group work priorities for the team on policies and guidance, including work to support equalities in people management in schools.
- To survey schools on the quality and effectiveness of the service.
Service directors:
Kim Brown
More detailed information:
Schools HR advice and consultancy SLA offer 2024/25 (Log in to view)
Related content:
Schools HR consultancy team, people and organisational development, Strategy and Engagement
- Mark Nelson, Schools HR consultancy team: 8825 9478
Last updated: 18 Feb 2025