This service is available for Academies, Maintained schools and Other schools and settings


The Ealing health improvement team are a trusted and qualified team of experts, providing support and training in nutrition and exercise, mental health and emotional wellbeing, PSHE, relationships, health and sex education (RHSE) and safeguarding prevention, to help you improve your pupils' mental health, personal development and achievement.

Academic year 2024/25

Purchase one of our support packages to address specific health areas and we will:

  • Produce tangible results
  • Directly assist you in achieving your Healthy Schools London awards
  • Save you valuable preparation and thinking time
  • Drive consistent whole school health and wellbeing improvement
  • Give you access to a wide range of resources, trainings and expert support

Main packages on offer:

Schools save time and benefit from:

  • Support in achieving Healthy Schools London (HSL) award(s)
  • Practical help for new, or experienced PSHE and/or Mental Health leads
  • Expert guidance to stay on track and have impact
  • Improvements in pupils' and parents' health behaviours and choices
  • Access to a wide range of assembly presentations, parent letters, programmes, policies and baseline surveys.
Office hours:
  • Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm
  • Twilight sessions and out of office hours work by negotiation.
Planned improvements:

We reflect on what you tell us, to make improvements. 

We now offer schools more flexible ways of working with our team. For example, schools can now choose to have either a virtual or face-to-face Health in Schools visit and we are now offering a mix of virtual and face-to-face training workshops and networks. This is in response to over 80% of schools who told us in our annual survey that they would prefer a mix of virtual and face-to-face going forward. 

Also, we now offer videos of our assemblies and virtual parent workshops as an alternative for increased flexibility.

Service directors:

Julie Lewis

More detailed information:

Health improvement support packages

Healthy Schools Awards and training package

  • 20+ trainings on key health areas available to all your school staff
  • Four practical sessions to help achieve your Healthy Schools London awards
  • Two drop-in days to support completion of the Healthy Schools London award/s and for PSHE support
  • Two health improvement conference tickets
  • Three PSHE networks
  • A celebration event

3 day bespoke package

  • 21 hours of a health improvement officer time to support and deliver bespoke activities
  • Pre and post activity surveys, to measure impact
  • An annual impact report
  • Two drop-in days to support completion of the Healthy Schools London award/s and for PSHE support
  • Two health improvement conference tickets
  • Three PSHE networks

Specialist packages - 14 hours of bespoke support, PLUS networks, trainings and conference tickets


Health improvement team, Children and families, Ealing Learning Partnership

Further details:

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Last updated: 13 Mar 2024