Leaver’s folder checklist

This leavers process is part of a school’s CME/safeguarding duty and mut be completed.

All removals from roll must be approved by a member of SLT before they are processed.

Each school/provision should have designated a member of their senior leadership team (SLT) responsible

  • for approving removals from roll
  • and an alternate who can complete this task if they are absent.

All schools/provisions must capture the following information for leavers:

  1. The pupil’s new address (if they have moved)
  2. The contact details of the parent the pupil will be living with
  3. The pupil’s new school details (unless they are being withdrawn to be home educated)
  4. In Ealing we also expect schools to confirm that the pupil has been successfully admitted to their new school.

If a school/provision is unable to capture the four required pieces of information within ten days of the pupil’s last attendance, they must refer them to CME.

See EGFL for full guidance on the CME process - Children missing education (CME) | Ealing Grid for Learning (egfl.org.uk).

Here is the full list of codes The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 (legislation.gov.uk)

  • Children missing education, School attendance service: cme@ealing.gov.uk020 8825 5517
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Last updated: 19 Sep 2023