The most important investment a school can make is an investment in its people.
Staff wellbeing is key to school success. A school with a culture and ethos of supporting wellbeing will enable all staff as individuals and groups, to manage successfully the pressures they face.
For more information see the whole school approach section which highlights school practices to support health and wellbeing of all staff.
Occupational health is delivered by Medigold Health’s suite of health and wellbeing services which caters for every aspect of our corporate health strategy and will enable us to take good care of our employees and keep them in work, safe and well from the moment they join our organisation.
Choose from the following
Eye sight test
Information about eye tests.
Mental health support
Information on Access to Work - supporting mental health in the work place.
Occupational health
Information from Medigold Health
- Management referral to occupational health
Guidance for managers wishing to refer an amployee to occupational health. You will be taken to the Medigold Health portal. - Local Government Pension Scheme referral
You will be taken to the Medigold Health portal. - Employee support
Free confidential advice for personnel of schools that buy into the Workplace Options service. - Pre-employment screening
Details on the medical questionnaire to be completed by all prospective employees.
Support for staff with a disability
Guidance for managers and employees.
Wellbeing - a whole school approach
Information to support all staff health and wellbeing practice in schools.