Ealing service for children with additional needs (ESCAN) support available for schools.
Schools can direct parents and carers to the family information service (FIS) and NHS websites.
Social Care
Education – Special educational needs and inclusion
Educational psychology:
Sensory impairment and inclusion Ealing Directory (ealingfamiliesdirectory.org.uk) SENS – Specialist teaching for children and young people with sensory impairments
Special Educational Needs (SEN) Assessment Service / EHCP
SEN Gateway | Ealing Grid for Learning (egfl.org.uk)
Speech and language therapy for children :: West London NHS Trust Related link Speech and language therapy and occupational therapy staffing | Ealing Grid for Learning (egfl.org.uk)
SEN travel assistance is available to learners with SEND up to the age of 25. Each case will be considered individually against the following criteria:
- Ages 0–5: The Council has no legal duty to provide travel assistance to children under five, however we can provide some support to children in need or in exceptional circumstances.
- Ages 5–16: The travel assistance at the Council offers will depend on the complexity of a child or young person’s needs and the distance of the journey to their place of learning
Read more about Special educational needs (SEN) transport 2022/23 | Ealing Grid for Learning (egfl.org.uk)
Schools can share this information with parents and carers Travel Assistance | Ealing Directory (ealingfamiliesdirectory.org.uk)
Specialist child health services
A multi agency service that provides psychological assessment and intervention for children and young people with disabilities and their families where there are concerns about
- emotional, behavioural and psychological difficulties
- including challenging behaviours, mental health difficulties and social/family difficulties.
Schools can work with a parent or carer to make a referral Referrals :: West London NHS Trust
Related link Social communication assessment (westlondon.nhs.uk)
Schools can share this information with parents and carers where there are concerns about their child's development.
Community Specialist Children's Nursing Service
Related link Referrals :: West London NHS Trust
Paediatric Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapists provide advice and support to parents, carers and other professionals, working across a range of settings, such as home, school and clinics. This includes:
- Improving quality of life for children and families
- Minimising barriers to participation in activities
- Reducing the impact of disability
- Promoting independence and self-management.
Read about the conditions the team can support and how to make a referral Occupational therapy :: West London NHS Trust
Our team of physiotherapists in Ealing combines specialist skills with expert knowledge of child development and childhood disabilities. Physiotherapy uses physical approaches to promote, maintain and restore physical, psychological and social wellbeing.
Read about the conditions the team can support, assessment and care and how to make a referral Physiotherapy :: West London NHS Trust
Paediatric speech and language therapy
Related link Speech and language therapy and occupational therapy staffing | Ealing Grid for Learning (egfl.org.uk)
Schools should seek the permission from the child’s parents before making a speech and language therapy referral. Speech and language therapy
Schools can share this information with parents and carers Ealing Speech and Language Therapy | Ealing Directory (ealingfamiliesdirectory.org.uk)