About the educational psychology service

Here is information about the educational psychology team:

Educational psychologists (EPs)

Educational Psychologists (EPs) use psychological theories and models to gain a better understanding of educational issues for children, groups of children and across the whole school.

They have had extensive training in child development and work with those from 0 to 25 years of age. EPs have a psychological understanding of the learning, social, emotional, and behavioural issues that children and young people can present with.

All EPs are registered with The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). All maintained schools have their own allocated EP

Assistant Educational Psychologists (AsEPs)

Assistant Educational Psychologists (AsEPs) are psychology graduates who are employed to assist the work of an Educational Psychologist/Educational Psychology Service and to gain relevant experience prior to applying for a place on a recognised Doctorate EP training course. They have been trained to Graduate or Masters degree level in child development and learning.

They, too, are familiar with the psychological theories and models that inform our understanding of how children learn and develop. They all have experience of working with children and young people in a variety of educational and/or community settings.

As AsEPs are not yet qualified to carry out the full range of duties and responsibilities of EPs, they work under the direct guidance and supervision of their allocated EPs to supplement or complement their work and support the EPS to address key service priorities.

Trainee educational psychologist (TEPS)

TEPS are those who have successfully gained a place on a 3 year Doctorate level training programme, leading to a Doctorate in Educational Psychology. As part of their training, TEPs spend approximately three days a week in their second and third years on a professional placement, usually within a Local Authority. On this placement, TEPs will work on a small caseload under the close supervision of an experienced EP.

  • Educational psychology service administrator, Educational psychology service: EPSAdmin@ealing.gov.uk020 8825 5050
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Last updated: 21 Jan 2025