The SEN and inclusion team received funding to make a series of videos for parents of children with additional needs. The aim of the videos is to:
- Offer reassurance to parents and reduce stigma around SEND
- Offer clear information and advice to parents on a range of topics relating to SEND assessment, diagnosis and processes
- To signpost parents to additional support for their child and their family
The videos are currently available in English with captions and have also been translated into 4 community languages with subtitles. Here are translated versions:
- SEN and inclusion videos in Arabic SEN وإدراج مقاطع الفيديو باللغة البنجابية
- SEN and inclusion videos in Gujarati સેન અને પંજાબીમાં વિડિઓઝનો સમાવેશ કરે છે
- SEN and inclusions videos in Punjabi SEN ਅਤੇ ਵੀਡੀਓ ਨੂੰ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ
- SEN and inclusion videos in Tamil SEN மற்றும் பஞ்சாபியில் வீடியோக்களை சேர்க்கிறது
How to use the videos
Schools can use the videos with parents in a number of ways:
- Upload to the SEND pages on your school website
- Show at SEND coffee mornings or meetings
- Use with individual parents to support conversations around SEND
- Share through social media such as Twitter or Facebook
- Use them at specific times during the school year for example key transition points
- Share them with staff so that they can signpost parents to them
The videos are publically available to view on the ELP SEN & Inclusion YouTube channel so links can be shared directly with parents.
Here is a full list of videos, a description and suggestions for their audience and when to use them. If you have any questions or would like more information about anything in the videos please contact Libby Giarraputo, School partnerships coordinator
1. General videos to support all parents and those worried about their child’s needs
1a. What to do if your child needs extra support? (Duration 4:07 minutes)
- What is it? Parents who themselves have a child with SEND offer reassurance and advice to parents worried about their child’s needs, share top tips and signpost to support.
- Who should I share it with? All parents, particularly those who are at the beginning of the assessment process or who are worried about accepting extra help for their child.
- When should I share it? At any time or with specific parents you would like to target
- YouTube link
1b. How to help your child get ready for school (Duration 4:33 minutes)
- What is it? Top Tips for parents to support their child to be ready to start school, including activities to practise at home and routines to help them make a smooth transition.
- Who should I share it with? Parents of children starting reception or school nursery.
- When should I share it? When parents are offered a place at school or nursery, during the summer term with your new intake during induction meetings or similar.
- YouTube link
1c. Working in partnership to support your child: Sharing Information (Duration 2:53 minutes)
- What is it? Encouraging parents to share information with those working with their child. What information should be shared, when to share it and who to share information with.
- Who should I share it with? All parents, particularly those new to the school.
- When should I share it? At key transition points for all parents, at SEND coffee mornings or meetings.
- YouTube link
2. Videos about specific conditions
2a. What is autism? (Duration 3:58 minutes)
- What is it? Harry, a 15 year old pupil with Autism explains what Autism is in simple terms and offers reassurance to parents who may be concerned about their child and signposts them to additional support.
- Who should I share it with? All parents, particularly those whose child is awaiting an Autism assessment or who have recently received a diagnosis.
- When should I share it? At any time, with specific parents at SEND meetings or coffee mornings.
- YouTube link
2b. How can I support my autistic child? (Duration 2:46 minutes)
- What is it? Harry, a 15 year old pupils with Autism gives top tips for parents on how they can support their child with autism and where they can go for additional support.
- Who should I share it with? All parents, particularly those whose child is awaiting an Autism assessment or who have recently received a diagnosis.
- When should I share it? At any time, with specific parents at SEND meetings or coffee mornings.
- YouTube link
3. Videos about SEND Services
3a. What is speech and language therapy? (Duration 2:03 minutes)
- What is it? Members of Ealing’s Speech and Language Therapy Team explain what speech and language therapy is, what they do and where they work.
- Who should I share it with? All parents, parents of children where you may be worried about the speech, language or communication needs.
- When should I share it? At any time, with specific parents at SEND meetings or coffee mornings.
- YouTube link
3b. Where can go for help if I am worried about my child’s communication? (Duration 2:38 minutes)
- What is it? Members of Ealing’s Speech and Language Therapy Team where to go support if a parent is worried about their child’s communication and how to know when to seek support.
- Who should I share it with? All parents, parents of children where you may be worried about the speech, language or communication needs.
- When should I share it? At any time, with specific parents at SEND meetings or coffee mornings.
- YouTube video link
3c. How will Speech & Language help my child? (Duration 2:42 minutes)
- What is it? Members of Ealing’s Speech and Language Therapy Service explain wheat happened when a child is referred to the service, how parents can support their child and key questions about the process.
- Who should I share it with? All parents, parents of children where you may be worried about the speech, language or communication needs.
- When should I share it? At any time, with specific parents at SEND meetings or coffee mornings.
- YouTube link
- Ealing Speech and Language Team also have lots of useful videos for parents on their YouTube Channel which you can find at:
3d. SEND support project (Duration 2:13 minutes)
- Who are they? Education, Skills, Development Group (ESDEG) are a voluntary organisation working to support children, young people and families in Ealing. They have a SEND Family Worker who offers individual support to parents and carers as well as group Peer Support opportunities. This video lets parents know about the support available and how they can access support.
- Who should I share it with? All parents, particularly parents who would benefit from additional support with their child with additional needs including accessing benefits or other support.
- When should I share it? At any time, with specific parents at SEND meetings or coffee mornings.
- YouTube link
- Libby Giarraputo, School partnerships and enrichment: 707189