Virtual school for children with a social worker

Following the governments CIN review, Ealing's virtual school head teacher (VSH) role has been extended to cover children with a social worker and those who have previously had a social worker, who are aged 0 up to 18.

The virtual school new duties team will work closely with education settings, social care and other local authority services to enhance partnerships and make visible the disadvantages that these children with a social worker can experience.

This is a strategic leadership role for now; the virtual school is not expected to monitor individual children and their progress as we do children in care.

In this role, the VSH and the team will also help:

  • promote practice that supports children’s engagement in education, recognising that attending an education setting can be an important factor in helping to keep children safe from harm.
  • level up children’s outcomes and narrow the attainment gap so every child can reach their potential.
  • Identifying the needs of the cohort and addressing barriers to poor educational outcomes and ensure pupils make educational progress
  • Offering advice and support to key professionals to help children make progress, including increasing their confidence, through the use of evidence based interventions.


Read the government guidance on how local authorities should extend the virtual school head role to champion children with a social worker and promote their education.


Children with a Social Worker (CWSW) model policy (word) (Log in to view: register for an EGfL user account)

Social Work Education Handbook

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Last updated: 05 Nov 2024