Increase the number of Black teachers in leadership roles

Aim: to ensure that the composition of staff holding leadership positions within the school or setting reflects the ethnic composition of the pupil population

An initial starting point is to carry out a review of the ethnic composition of people in key roles across the school to identify any disproportionality, for example, if 40% of staff are Asian but there are no Asian staff in positions of leadership then this is disproportionality. Another consideration is if the staff team reflects the community they serve.


  • Senior leadership
  • Middle leadership: phase / subject / room leaders
  • Class teachers / practitioners
  • Teaching assistants
  • Pupil / welfare support staff
  • Office Staff
  • Premises staff
  • School Meal Supervisor Assistants (SMSAs).

You should also consider other key roles in your school, for example:

  • Governors
  • Volunteers.

Children/young people:

  • Head boy / head girl
  • School Council
  • Prefects
  • Other leadership opportunities within the school / setting / organisation.


  • Parent teacher association / parents’ forum leadership, membership and participation
  • Other leadership opportunities within the school / setting / organisation. Incl. parents, governors / trustees.

If disproportionality has been identified in the ethnic composition of the leadership roles within your school, then the senior leaders and governing boards should:

Be sensitive to the fact that the onus should not solely be on Black, Asian or minoritised background teachers to share their previous experiences of recruitment, retention and progression issues. For example, if staff are asked to provide examples of previously negative experiences there is the possibility of re-traumatisation and / or the emotional and psychological toll that it may place on them.

Consider the accountability; effectiveness of their previous and subsequent leadership; and the answering of tough, probing and potentially challenging inward-facing questions for example:

  • Why are there disproportionately low numbers of Black, Asian and minoritised background teachers in senior leadership positions?
  • Why has the school not promoted any e.g., Black teachers into senior leadership positions?
  • Why is there disproportionality regarding recruitment, retention and progression for teachers of colour?

Possible actions the school leaders and governing boards can take to address this disproportionality could include:

Actively promoting ‘leadership’ opportunities to your Black Caribbean children, young people, parents and staff.

Actively promote leadership opportunities to your Black, Asian and other minoritised staff e.g.

Explicitly inform all your Black, Asian and staff from minoritised backgrounds of the:

  • Experience and leadership skills required for each role within the school to support awareness of progression pathways.
  • Steps they can take towards their career progression from e.g. Teaching assistant to headteacher (or the equivalence in another organisational setting).

Provide regular coaching and mentoring opportunities (individually/peer/group) for your children, young people, parents and staff to enable progress towards their leadership and career progression and aspirations.­

Further information

Ealing Leadership Diversity programme flyer available in the download section below:

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Last updated: 29 Jun 2022