Mentors in violence prevention

Don't miss out! Get on board with this peer mentoring programme that challenges attitudes, beliefs and cultural norms that underpin gender-based violence, bullying and other forms of violence.

What is mentors in violence prevention (MVP)?

MVP is a peer mentoring programme that gives young people the chance to explore and challenge the attitudes, beliefs and cultural norms that underpin gender-based violence, bullying and other forms of violence.

It addresses a range of behaviours including name-calling, sexting, controlling behaviour and harassment, and uses a 'by-stander' approach where individuals are not looked on as potential victims or perpetrators but as empowered and active bystanders with the ability to support and challenge their peers in a safe way.

Why has MVP come to Ealing?

  • It is a whole school approach that embeds a practical, mentoring programme amongst its staff and students.
  • It a strong evidence base with positive outcomes in Scotland where it has been running for over ten years.
  • It challenges attitudes and gives young people the knowledge, understanding and tools to:
    • Voice their opinions and listen to the opinions of others
    • Breakdown unhealthy social norms that prevent individuals from being themselves
    • Understand the pressure of gender roles
    • Take an active role in promoting a positive school climate.
  • The innovative bystander approach involves mentors working with younger peers to develop meaningful and powerful conversations with them which aim to support, as well as reconstruct, healthy social norms.

Remote training sessions

Dates for remote training sessions 3.30-4.30pm

  • 18 October
  • 1 November
  • 15 November

Who should attend

Nominate two or three members of staff to attend all 3 online training sessions (lasting one hour) with training material to complete in between each session (2- 3 hrs).

  • Nominate additional pastoral, RSHE leads, Head of year or support staff trained to aid the roll out in school.
  • Commit to recruit and train mentors (year 10) within the first six months
  • Attend the support forum for additional support.

How to get involved?

Register your school’s interest to enrol in training by 30 September.

To register your interest, hear more about MVP or to sign up to the training sessions please contact Karen Gibson

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Last updated: 08 Sep 2022