The schools admissions module (SAM) is an application which enables schools to view live co-ordinated admissions information held on the admission database on applications for all year groups via the council’s portal.
By using SAM, foundation, academy and voluntary aided schools can use the system to rank applicants in criteria order.
All schools can:
- See how many pupils have included your school as one of their preferences by preference rank
- View live details of pupils who have applied to your school; (you cannot see which preference rank individual pupils have given your school)
- View live information showing who has been offered, accepted, or declined a place, who has withdrawn their application, who is on your waiting list and their waiting list position.
Pupil data available in SAM:
- Name
- address
- date of birth
- gender
- siblings
- contact details (including telephone numbers)
- SEN status
- LAC status
- additional info provided by parents
- additional info provided by the council. and
- Export information from all the above lists into a spreadsheet containing this data
Primary schools can view a list of the destination schools for most of their current year 6 pupils for secondary transfer.
SAM user accounts
All queries about SAM user accounts including new accounts and password resets should be directed to
- Joanne Bradley, Admissions: 8825 9662
Last updated: 05 Nov 2024