ELP safeguarding and wellbeing terms of reference


  • Julie Lewis: ELP Chief Officer and ESCB rep (lead and co-chair)
  • Kirsty Packham: Primary DSL (co-chair)

  • Alka Bhaghat, Ann Marie McCoughlin: High school DSL reps
  • Caroline Chamberlain: Primary headteacher, Ealing quadrant rep
  • Eamann Delvin: Interim CAMHS Commissioner
  • Karen Gibson: Health improvement team manager (co-lead)
  • Kate Tramoni: Primary headteacher and Ealing quadrant rep
  • Kirsty Packham, Paula Smith: Primary School DSL reps
  • Laura Corrigan: Primary headteacher and Southall quadrant rep
  • Lewis Adams: Mental health rep
  • Lisa Tingle: Service manager, safeguarding, review and quality assurance
  • Lucy Burholt: Independent schools rep
  • Paul Adair: Special school headteacher and Ealing Safeguarding Children Board (ESCB) headteacher rep
  • Roya Afsharzadegan Principle clinical psychologist and MHST clinical lead
  • Sally Osman: Childcare manager for children in need
  • Sharmaine Yoosuf: Primary headteacher and Ealing quadrant rep
  • Sinead Galbraith: EHE adviser and safeguarding lead
  • Tracey Brosnan: Primary headteacher, GNP quadrant rep

Frequency 5 meetings per year

Reporting to ESCB and ELP Board


  • Maintain consistent safeguarding practice during the period of change
  • Improve awareness across partner organisations of safeguarding responsibilities
  • Raise awareness of the importance of contextualsafeguarding.
  • Improve awareness of the roles and responsibilities of schools,

ELP and other partner organisations

  • Understand safeguarding priorities from young people’s, social care’s and school’s perspective
  • Work in partnership to address key safeguarding priorities (ie Mental health; CSE; FGM) to improve outcomes for children and young people

Functions for ESCB

  1. Improving communications and partnership working between schools, ELP, ESCB and social care to promote a mutual understanding of, and best practice in, safeguarding across partners
  2. Promote collective endeavours of the ESCB
  3. Ensure views of schools are taken back to the ESCB via representatives from the sub group with particular reference to reporting on gaps in services and developing systems and protocols to support safeguarding
  4. Identify and share training needs for safeguarding and health improvement from schools

Functions for ELP and schools

  1. Promote the goal of moving safeguarding in schools from a culture of compliance towards a culture of excellence
  2. Ensure adequate support and training for Designated Safeguarding Lead teams in schools
  3. To shape services in response to key safeguarding themes e.g PSHE and serious youth violence; mental health & well-being
  4. To oversee and measure impact of partnership/learning community work in the area of safeguarding and health improvement e.g. partnership wide campaigns
  5. Act as advocate for schools on strategy developments within the ESCB and promote best practice across the Partnership
  6. Work alongside social care to ensure realistic expectations of the resources available for delivery of social care within a schoolsetting

Functions for Social Care

  1. Promote shared understanding of the use of thresholds for social care to better support children and families.
  2. Develop clear protocols for referrals and escalation of concerns.
  3. Develop protocols for schools to more effectively share contextual safeguarding information during the assessment process.
  4. Share best practice from social care /school partnershipworking


  • Influence local policy guidance to schools on safeguarding
  • Recommendations to ESCB – improving partnership working for safeguarding and securing board’s knowledge of best practices
  • Recommendation to ELP Board on resourcing area-wide safeguarding prevention priorities
  • Recommendations to ELP Board on health improvement services (SLA)

Roles of members

Chair and Co-Chair

  • Bringing together the agenda and securing the commitment/inputs of members so that priorities are addressed
  • Delivery of ESCB business plan and reports to Chair ESCB
  • Liaison and partnership working with CS Directors on strategic areas for improvement
  • Reports to ELPB on priority areas and impact of initiatives ESCB members
  • Attendance at ESCB statutory board meetings
  • Contribution to improving partnership working for safeguarding across agencies
  • Representing schools and profiling the contribution of schools across all ESCB business
  • Ensuring the engagement of schools regarding ESCB priorities
  • Committing to contributing to the decisions and influencing the changes to improve safeguarding systems, protocols and intelligence sharing within and across partnership organisations.


  • Identification of strengths and priorities for improvement in quadrants and phase groups
  • Capture and share highly effective practices
  • Influence and contribute to strengthening partnership working with children’s services
  • Lead on task-groups in priority areas
  • Share learning and key communications with headteacher groups Children's Services Leaders
  • Commit to working with education colleagues to identify strengths and areas for improvement in partnership working to keep children safe
  • Commit to co-lead with heads on task-groups to improve practice ELP Health Improvement/safeguarding leads
  • Draw attention to patterns of need arising from direct contact with schools and HRBS
  • Consult on priorities for scaling up best practices
  • Share area-wide approaches and curriculum /parental resources


  • Confidentiality will be maintained by all members regarding information and schools discussed at the meeting.
  • A data sharing protocol to be established
  • A register of conflicts (outlined in a conflict of interest protocol) will be held for all members of the group and members are required to update when they change. When conflicted, members will be excluded for the relevant part of the meeting and their absence noted in the record of the meeting.
  • Members will focus on the needs of all children in the area in conjunction with ESCB


The following information will be published on the ELP website

  • Annual report of progress and impact in addressing priorities
  • Record of meeting (except confidential items)
  • A membership list

Links to other groups

The current Education Safeguarding Subgroup will evolve in 18-19 in relation to its ELP remit

Supporting documentation

Documents to be shared

  • A record of the previous meeting
  • CS reports as appropriate
  • ESCB reports as appropriate

Meeting dates

All ELP committee meeting dates and times can be found in the under key dates.

  • Wednesday 30 April, from 2-3.30pm
  • Wednesday 25 June, from 2-3.30pm
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Last updated: 07 Feb 2025