Policy and supporting documents
Supporting pupils with medical conditions in school September 2021
It is a statutory requirement for all schools to have a policy that makes clear the arrangements to support pupils with medical conditions.
Supporting pupils with medical conditions at school guidance (GOV.UK)
Statutory guidance about support that pupils with medical conditions should receive at school.
The policy was consulted on with schools, health professionals and other related stakeholders before being endorsed by the Ealing Safeguarding Children Board (ESCB). In addition to the policy there are also a number of supporting documents below:
- Levels of training for support staff
- Guidance on wording for job descriptions (doc)
- Medical procedures cover and liability information
All schools must have a Supporting pupils with medical conditions at school policy.
The local authority is recommending that all governing boards (GBs) review this policy according to their specific needs before adopting. It should not be adopted ‘wholesale’ without reviewing to make sure it is fit for purpose and that provision for any training or role related changes are planned for and implemented. We recommend that all schools review this policy annually in line with any change in government legislation or Ealing guidance.
Resources and guidance
Update on availability of adrenaline autoinjectors
Emerade pens failing to activate: MHRA alert - 3 October 2019 (GOV.UK)
Please note the above notification from The Medicines & Healthcare products Regulation Authority (MHRA).
Action for schools
All schools should consider assessing which adrenaline autojectors are prescribed and held by pupils in their school. If pupils at the school are prescribed and hold Emerade pens, schools should consider holding a non-personalised supply of adrenaline autojectors (in line with the Using emergency adrenaline auto-injectors in schools guidance (GOV.UK) in case of device failures of pens that pupils may be carrying.
There is NO requirement for pens to be recalled and the advice for patients is to continue to follow existing advice to carry 2 in-date pens with them at all times.
See also MHRA additional information for patients and carers (see pages 4 and 5) (pdf)
Free online anaphylaxis training course AllergyWise for Schools is designed to ensure that key staff in schools are fully aware of the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis, how to provide emergency treatment and the implications for management of severely allergic children from Key Stages 1 to 5 in an education setting.
Anaphylaxis campaign schools allergy awareness resource pack - presentation 1 (June 2018 - pdf)
Anaphylaxis campaign schools allergy awareness rescource pack - persentation 2 (June 2018 - pdf)
Allergy guidance for schools (GOV.UK)
Food allergy free online training (Food Standards Agency) - Catering providers and catering staff can study the modules and pass the tests to gain a continuing professional development (CPD) certificate.
Food allergen information (GOV.UK) - Allergen information and downloadable posters for schools.
School food in England - departmental advice for governing boards (pdf)
Asthma: School guidance (pdf)
Asthma toolkit (Healthy London website)
Asthma (Children and young people) - elearning for healthcare
Asthma online course - (Supporting children’s health website) - helping you support children who have asthma.
Bladder and Bowel guidance (ERIC - Children's bowel and bladder charity website)
Diabetes schools’ guidance (Health London website)
Emergency Inhalers and Adrenaline Auto-Injectors (AAIs) (GOV, pdf)
Eplilepsy schools' guidance (Health London website)
Young Epilepsy guide for schools (Young Epilepsy website)
Free online guide for schools on supporting young people with epilepsy - Includes information on seizure first aid, epilepsy’s impact on learning and behaviour and the key elements of support that should be in place at school.
MindEd (Mind website)- a free educational resource on children and young people's mental health for all adults.
Specialist toileting needs guidance in early years and schools (pdf)
Guidance from Early Start Ealing to assist leaders and managers in fulfilling their legal responsibilities in meeting the needs of children who require additional toileting support.
Referral to school nursing service
You can refer children and young people with any health related issues requiring support to the school nursing service. Note: this requires consent from parents and or carers. Download the school nurse referral form (word). Complete and email via secure systems - eg Egress - to the Ealing school nursing service clcht.ealingschoolnurseteam@nhs.net.
For further information contact:
- School nursing team (Central London community healthcare NHS trust)
020 8102 5888 - Raj Chowdhury (Ealing health and safety adviser schools)