A practical guide for schools on managing cases of infectious diseases (GOV.UK)
Seeking consent for immunisations in schools (GOV.UK)
Guidance on the statutory requirements to consent for immunisations in schools.
UKHSA webinar recording
Watch the UKHSA London Webinar: Keeping well and supporting attendance in education settings on YouTube (September 2024)
General guidance, advice and background information on Mpox.
Strep A/Scarlet Fever
Headteachers’ scarlet fever pack (gatekeeping news item 18 January 2024)
Updated information pack for managing scarlet fever and Group A Streptococcal (GAS) infections in childcare or educational settings. Includes letter templates and fact sheet for schools and parents.
- Public health letter to headteachers (pdf) 5 December 2022
- Public health letter to parents Scarlet fever (pdf) 5 December 2022
Watch the UKHSA Measles webinar recording for education settings on YouTube
Pre-school immunisations letter to remind parents/carers of importance of immunisations (pdf)
Letter from UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) for primary schools to share with all new parents/carers ahead of their children starting reception in September 2024.
Measles- Rising cases in North West London (Action for schools)
Cases of measles are continuing to rise in London, including North West London. In order to manage this increased capacity, UK Health Security Agency colleagues are moving away from a full risk assessment of individual cases to only following up vulnerable contacts and high-risk settings.
Measles information pack for education and childcare settings
The UKHSA have produced a ‘Measles information pack’ for educational settings to follow.
This includes action to take now (such as continuing to support the uptake of the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine), action to take if there are any probable or confirmed cases, template letters to send as required and factsheets to read.
By following the ‘Measles information pack’, this will enable educational settings to be more prepared if they do have cases and will also be able to respond in a more planned and informed way.
Measles news items
Measles information pack for schools | Ealing Grid for Learning (egfl.org.uk) (17 April 2024)
Measles webinar recording | Ealing Grid for Learning (egfl.org.uk) (25 March 2024)
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Advice for schools and childcare settings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, including operating guidance and emergency contacts.
Pre-school vaccinations: guide to vaccinations from 2 to 5 years (GOV.UK)
Guide providing details of immunisations for children between 2 and 5 years, before they start school.
Prevention and control of respiratory infections (including COVID-19) (GOV.UK pdf)
Key actions for managing acute respiratory infections - ARI- (including COVID-19 and flu) in an education or childcare setting.
Winter preparedness information for London schools (pdf)
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) briefing: information, checklists and leaflets on flu, norovirus and meningitis.
Flu vaccination programme 2024 to 2025: information for healthcare practitioners (GOV.UK)
Guidance for healthcare practitioners on the national influenza immunisation programme 2024 to 2025
Flu vaccination: who should have it this winter and why (GOV.UK)
Leaflet explaining the importance of the influenza (flu) vaccination this winter 2024 to 2025.
Immunisation: Resources for schools (GOV.UK)
Promotional resources for schools.
The Spotty Book: Notes on infectious diseases in schools
Reporting a suspected outbreak
If you suspect an outbreak please report it immediately to those listed below:
North West London HPT
Email: london.region@ukhsa.gov.uk or phe.london.region@nhs.net for PII (Patient Identifiable Information)
Tel: 0300 303 0450 (including out of hours)
Ealing Council
Raj Chowdhury
Schools health and safety adviser
Address: Perceval House, 3rd floor SE (plum), 14/16 Uxbridge Road, Ealing, W5 2HL
Tel: 020 8825 7287
Mobile: 07568 130 165
Email: chowdhuryr@ealing.gov.uk
Contact for any immunisation in schools queries:
Central North West London NHS Foundation Trust
Email: cnw-tr.immunisationteam@nhs.net
Infection control arrangements
You need to login with your EGfL user account to access the arrangements. To register for a user account, email egflwebteam@ealing.gov.uk (for Ealing maintained schools and academies only).
Infection control April 2018 (pdf)
Infection control - common infections and causes Feb 2016
Infection control - handwashing
Infection control - cleaning of blood and other bodily fluids
Infection control - action on exposure
Health protection in education and childcare settings (GOV.UK)