
Download the practical guide for schools on managing self-harm below:

Managing self-harm – a practical guide for schools (pdf)

The content of this guide has been informed by designated CP leads from school who have direct, first-hand experience of dealing with self-harm incidents as well as professionals from educational psychology, CAMHS, SAFE, the behaviour service, school nursing and Ealing’s clinical commissioning consortium (CCG).

How schools can use this guidance

The guidance includes information for schools, particularly head teachers, mental health leads and child protection (CP) leads, about:

  • What self-harm is and isn’t
  • What the risk factors and warning signs are
  • What schools can and should do to identify and respond to self-harm incidents – both immediately and when following-up.

There are also appendices which include tools such as flowcharts and policy ideas to be adopted and used by schools.

It is intended that the guide be read by all members of staff in your school with senior leaders, designated CP leads, mental health leads, and governors deciding the best way to implement this guidance. It is designed to debunk myths and misconceptions about self-harm as well as inform practice. Importantly it should be used it to inform your own school self-harm policy.

If you are a mental health lead in your school, please contact Stacey to find out more about self-harm training. A two day mental health first aid training will be available to all high schools in 2019.

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Last updated: 31 Aug 2023