Single central record (SCR)

All schools must have a SCR as required by the School Staffing Regulations 2009.

You must use it to log all pre-employment checks, including details of DBS checks.

You will need to update the record whenever new staff are recruited. All staff – including teacher trainees on salaried routes, agency and third party supply staff, even if they work for one day, must be included. Ofsted inspectors may ask to check the record.

Though schools must have a SCR they do not have to use our template. Whatever version they use schools must ensure they can demonstrate all the checks required in the latest version of Keeping Children Safe in Education

Model SCR (excel)
Template spreadsheet for record keeping.

Notes to accompany model SCR (pdf)
Guidance to assist in completion of template.

What information must be included?

The checks you must include are:

  • Identity checks – checking guidelines can be found at Right to work checks: an employer's guide
  • A barred list check
  • An enhanced DBS check
  • A prohibition from teaching check
  • Further checks on people who have lived outside the UK
  • A check of professional qualifications where required and
  • A check to establish the persons right to work in the United Kingdom.

Agency and third party supply staff

For agency and third party supply staff schools must include whether written confirmation has been received that the employment business supplying the member of supply staff has carried out the relevant checks and obtained appropriate certificates, the date this confirmation was received and whether details of any enhanced DBS certificate have been provided in respect of the member of staff.

Non statutory information

Non statutory information you may also include

  • Whether relevant staff have been informed of their duty to disclose relevant information under the childcare disqualification arrangements
  • Checks made on volunteers
  • Checks made on governors
  • Dates on which safeguarding and safer recruitment training was undertaken, and the name of the person who carried out each check.

The single central record can be kept in paper or electronic form.

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Last updated: 24 Apr 2024