Around Ealing deadlines

Around Ealing (Ealing Council website) is the council's preferred method of communicating LA information and news to residents, and is delivered to every household in the borough six times a year:

  • June (summer)
  • September (new academic year)
  • October (autumn)
  • December (winter)
  • February
  • April (spring)

It is supported by a website Ealing News Extra. In addition, a regular HTML email, also called Ealing News Extra, goes out to subscribers database of more than 60,000 people.

Each edition of Around Ealing is, furthermore, replicated in digital format.

Prices for adverts

You can book an advert in the following discounted sizes/costs (excluding VAT):

  • 1/4 page = £400
  • 1/2 page = £800
  • Full page = £1,500

Further discounts

We offer further discounts to our schools for the September edition, timed to go out at the start of September ready for the new academic year.

Additionally, if you were to place a ‘series booking’ for two, or three or more, editions, a further discount will apply.

Other options

It is also possible to take out a page of editorial/advertorial in any edition and the editor can help write an article for you, or edit one you have supplied, at a cost of £1,500, and you will be able to approve the end result.

Some school stories might be considered, separately, for – so please feel free to contact the editor Richard Nadal (see contacts).

Contact us

For more information and to check availability contact:

Richard Nadal
Corporate publications manager
Tel: 020 8825 7905

The deadlines for booking (and copy) for the next few editions are availalbe on the bottom of the following page: Around Ealing website.

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Last updated: 06 Jun 2024