School nurses 2025/26

This service is available for Academies and Maintained schools


The Ealing school nursing service (SNS) provides specialist advice and support to school-aged children and young people. The team comprises of school nurses, staff nurses, and nursery nurses and administrators. The team covers all the primary and high schools in Ealing excluding private schools and special schools.

Financial year 2025/26

Experience of partnership working with Ealing schools and relevant teams and agencies.

The service is provided by Central London Community Healthcare NHS trust.

Office hours:

Central London community healthcare NHS trust


Telephone: 020 8102 5888, Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm

School nurse email:

Planned improvements:

Ongoing process of continued service improvement.

More detailed information:

The universal service is offered to:

  • All children aged five to 19 who attend an Ealing LA school and their parents/carers
  • Ealing schools who require health advice, signposting, education and support with health related issues.

Advice on health conditions local / national NHS services follow the chosen links:


Children's services.

Additional contact information 
Referral to school nursing service

You can refer children and young people with any health related issues requiring support to the school nursing service. Note: this requires consent from parents and or carers. Download the school nurse referral form (word). Complete and email via secure systems - eg Egress - to the Ealing school nursing service

Immunisation programmes (not provided by Ealing SNS)

Immunisations (HPV, DTP booster, Men ACWY) are provided by the Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust.
Tel: 01895 485 740

Further details:

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Last updated: 17 Feb 2025