Walk to School Week 20 - 24 May

29 Apr 2024

Walking is not just a means of transportation; it’s a journey toward healthier lifestyles and sustainable communities.

As we gear up to celebrate Walk to school week from 20-24 May we invite schools, students, and families to lace up their shoes and step into the rhythm of active living.

At the heart of this initiative is the vision to promote active travel to school. Walking not only benefits individual health but also reduces traffic congestion, improves air quality, and fosters a sense of community spirit. By choosing to walk, we take small steps towards a greener, healthier future for all.

Why participate?

Participating in Walk to School Week is more than just a daily commute; it's an opportunity to inspire lifelong habits of physical activity and environmental benefit in our children. Walking to school improves concentration, boosts mood, and enhances overall well-being. Moreover, it empowers students to take ownership of their health and make sustainable choices from an early age.

Get Involved!

Here are some ways your school can get involved in Walk to School Week:

Join the movement: Register your school to participate in Walk to School Week through Living Streets’ website . Access resources, activities, and ideas to make the week memorable and impactful.

Promote active travel: Encourage students and families to embrace active travel options such as walking, cycling, or scooting to school. Share the benefits of walking and celebrate those who walk in your school assemblies. Here is the activity card Walk to School Week (tfl.gov.uk) to make your participation count towards TfL Travel for Life (STARS) accreditation.

Empower students: Engage students in designing and promoting a walking guide for their school community. Let them take the lead in mapping safe and enjoyable walking routes to school. Mapping exercises (tfl.gov.uk)

Share your journey: Showcase your school's commitment to active travel by sharing Active Travel maps (link). Highlight the routes and points of interest that make walking to school an enriching experience. Active travel maps | Ealing Grid for Learning (egfl.org.uk)

Organise a giant walk: promote a community walk to school from a set start point. Create a festive atmosphere with music, banners, and friends to celebrate the joy of walking together. Parents and carers join in too!

Take advantage by adding the event as part of Active Travel Challenge.

Include your staff

Ask your staff to join in a step challenge. Staff members walk a lot during the day and may be surprised by how many steps they take. Add in an active commute and who know who the winner will be! It’s great for staff welfare and wellbeing too! Use this activity card to record the results: Step counting week (tfl.gov.uk)


Reach out to us at STA@ealing.gov.uk for guidance and support.

Let’s make every step count during Walk to School Week. Together, we can inspire healthier habits, safer streets, and happier communities, one step at a time.

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Last updated: 29 Apr 2024

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