Local history service 2025/26
This service is available for Academies and Maintained schools
Provision of local history information.
Financial year 2025/26
Extensive knowledge of local history, collection of books, access to old local newspapers, archives, extensive photographic library, local history paintings and maps based in Southall Dominion Centre and Library.
Additional / buy back services
Photocopying charges if applicable, charges for scanned images, local history books for sale.
Office hours:
- Monday 10am—1pm, 2-4pm Appointments essential
- Tuesday 10am-6
- Wednesday 10am-5pm
- Thursday 10am-6pm
- Friday 10am-4pm
- Saturday 10am-1pm, 2-4pm Appointments essential
Planned improvements:
Ongoing process of continued service improvement.
Service directors:
Carole Stewart
More detailed information:
Further information is available on the Ealing council website: www.ealing.gov.uk/info/201244/local_history_centre
Arts, libraries and heritage, Ealing council
Additional contact information
Jonathan Oates, borough archivist
Telephone: 020 8825 6551
Email: OatesJ@ealing.gov.uk
Manny Manoharan, manager
Telephone: 020 8825 7261
Email: MManoharan@ealing.gov.uk
Last updated: 17 Feb 2025